Why Choose Us
  • 10 years of experience in the security industry
  • Essential knowledge required for banksman role
  • SIA-licenced and first aid trained officers
  • Flexible service to meet needs of customer
  • Last minute packages available
  • Cost-effective but premium quality

Banks man Services

At Jannet security services Banksman service is managed by a team of security professionals who have extensive experience in providing security and traffic management services. The team is equipped with the latest technology, including communication systems and body-worn cameras, which ensure that they can respond quickly and effectively to any security incidents.

Our Banksman security service includes:
  • Directing and controlling vehicle movement in restricted areas
  • Providing guidance for reversing vehicles
  • Inspecting vehicles for compliance with safety regulations
  • Monitoring and reporting suspicious activity
  • Providing traffic control for construction sites and other restricted areas
  • Assisting with loading and unloading of vehicles
  • Providing first aid and emergency response services
  • Assisting with fire safety and evacuation procedures