Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan

Jannet Security Services Ltd. carbon footprint reduction target plan for 2022 is to reduce emissions to 0% by 2050. Our strategic plan is to become a Carbon Neutral business by 2050 by setting emission reduction targets, implementing energy efficiency measures, transitioning to renewable energy supply and off-setting carbon to become more sustainable business in order to support our environmental policy ( Carbon Footprint Reduction plan will follow the following UN SDG Goals:

Jannet security Services Ltd. Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan

Some of the changes we are making about how Jannet Security Services Ltd. operates or our control to mitigate environmental aspects includes:

  • Becoming a paperless operation and reducing our dependence on transported supply services.
  • Offering employees incentives for car sharing and cycling to work.
  • Installing solar panels at our Head Office and purchasing our utilities through carbon-friendly tariffs to reduce emissions.
  • Changing our fleet of mobile and management vehicles to hybrid and 100% electric (20% already converted by 2023).
  • Training officers in environmental best practice to reduce wasted gas, electric and water on their building patrols, with 85% adoption in 2023.
  • This approach also aims to create more healthy workspaces so employee well-being can be prioritised, and our teams feel proud to work with us.
  • Buying office supplies and uniforms or equipment from suppliers who can demonstrate lower emissions and a carbon reduction plan, located within Greater London areas.
  • Signing our supply chain partners up to a charter to adopt the same practices in their businesses, to improve your supply chain integrity.
  • Setting annual stretch targets for carbon reduction, staff training and leadership of environmental initiatives.